Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Details Page (Work Request Properties)

Estimated Duration The estimated number of days that the project will take. Calculated as follows: Estimated Complete date -Estimated Start date = Estimated Duration.
Actual Duration The actual number of days that the project took. Calculated as follows: Actual Complete date - Actual Start date = Actual Duration.
Work Completed The percentage of construction that is complete for the project. Calculated as follows: today's date - Actual Start date × 100 ÷ Estimated Duration = Work Completed.
Actual Start The date on which the project was started. System-generated from WMS.
Actual Completion The date on which the project was completed. System-generated from WMS.
Notes Supplementary comments about the work request or the project.
OK Closes the dialog and saves any changes.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any changes.
More Opens a custom dialog for specifying custom attribute values. This button appears dimmed if no custom dialog is available.
Help Opens the Help topic for this dialog.